Like many others, I love travel and adventure. Over the years I have been privileged to have the time and the means to head out and travel to just about any place I was most curious about. I travelled as a young adult using the Continkis of the world and moved on to do many travels budget, solo and independently. Common throughout are the great memories created and the many lessons learned. I always say to people closest to me, there is something about going away and taking some time off from the rat race, the feeling that out there you get to experience a special Universe that looks out for people who travel. This is because to this day, I have been blessed to have escaped the most challenging and tricky situations of my life, and still here to tell the tales. Through this blog I hope to share some of my experiences and the great times I had, and hopefully spark some great conversations with the like-minded people who are members of this tribe.
Travel and Adventure begins at the end of your comfort zone
Updated: Sep 23, 2023